- healing, empowerment, awakening -
We humbly present the ARTS OF THE SPIRIT to every sincere seeker of Truth. Whether you are one of a
self-disciplined nature or a wonderer, we hope that you will find something valuable for your
- by transforming ourselves we are transforming the world -

our story

God. Absolute. Shiva; Allah; Goddess. From remote times until today those were some names' humanity used to define ultimate reality of the Universe in which we live. This reality in its first emanations expresses as Existence and Awareness of its existence. Every consciousness, every Self, every body and even every object – everything that exists - is nothing else that personified portion of this Awareness. It expresses itself as infinite forms of its creation in all visible and invisible realms, from atoms to galaxies, from amoebas to archetypal beings by being in the same time one that lives the experience, observer of that experience and the experience itself.
In this sublime dance of creation Divine plays, invents, creates, imagine, supports, destroy, compresses and extends itself with the intention to experiment and evolve in all its parts, until they turn back again to experience the unity which was deliberately left behind. The ways consciousnes finds in order to accomplish this long journey back to unity in our vision are called ARTS OF THE SPIRIT.
On a higher level, ARTS OF THE SPIRIT are ways in which realized unity is expressed in its full beauty.
On this portal you can find some traditional Arts and others that can be called modern born from our personal experience, but also from necessity to reword some old concepts and to propose some relatively new that go along with current planetary transformation. Our desire is to make this Arts accessible and comprehensible to all spiritual seekers in search for healing, empowerment and enlightenment, as well as to all the people whom for various reasons might not necessarily be inclined toward traditional spirituality but nonetheless feel strong urge to change their lives and conditions of life on mother Earth.
Upcoming Events
- segunda, 12/05São Paulo
- sábado, 16/08São Paulo
- quarta, 15/10São Paulo
Estrada de Benfica 470, 1-esq
1500-105 LisboN
(00351) 962439811

30 min
free of charge15 min
free of charge45 min
50.00 - 100.00 e.45 min
50.00 - 100.00 e.30 min
1 h
50 euros1 h
40 euros1 h
40 euros1 h
30 euros1 h
45 euros1 h
45 euros3 h
70 euros1 h
480 euros1 h
170 euros1 h
40 eurosEncerrado
20 euros1 h
105 euros1 h
180 euros30 min
33 eurosEncerrado
80 eurosEncerrado
35 eurosCarregando os dias...
50 euros